A pink taxi

A pink taxi

January 25, 2012

Four Hunks

Why do I train with four different hunks? Why not stick to one personal trainer? If I train with each one, once a week, doesn't it amount to 4 hours too many?

I started as an exclusive pilates woman. I rejected the gym as something from the 90s. I thought elongate and stretch your body rather than crunch and muscle.

However, before I knew it I was training at the Aviation Center with a great guy who emphasized very heavy weights: bench presses, dead lifts, press ups and loads of other free weights. He spotted me, encouraged me and pushed me foreword. He is my first trainer and I still do very heavy weights with him. I often wake up with sore triceps!

I was tempted to try the glitzy urban UEnergy gym (once UConcept). Every workout is an event there! Before I start, the trainer has chalked down a comprehensive circuit training program for me: has anyone heard of bear crawls, ski hurls, spiderman push ups? I am forced to perform countless box jumps (I never thought I could jump). Every time I step in the DIFC location, my fitness level is cranked up with the DJ quality decibels of their musical system.

I also met a third trainer who is so refined, so precise, so technical that I couldn't miss out on his workouts. With him, I practice TRX, I do proper lunges and squats, I skip rope!

When I walk into Evolve, I bring all the skills practiced above to a trainer who quizzes me about my nutrition and throws me into extremely challenging circuit/strength workouts. He has the power of hypnosis: I run on the outdoor track overlooking the PortRashid, with the trainer in tow! All this on a sugar,dairy, carb free diet!

Blue or hazel eyed, bulky muscles or buffed, harsh or friendly,  strict or lenient, these hunks, I mean trainers, all compliment each other in my fitness routine.