June 20, 2011

Some Radio Songs

It is said that Dubai92FM plays music for a certain age group and a certain expatriate community. Those are gross generalizations I want to correct here. I am teased because I listen to 92, because I fit in that "age group", despite the fact that I am non-Western. But I strongly believe, that 92FM (unlike Virgin) plays for an alternative indie-rock, college style community. (or college graduates, lol!)

Some songs are played on the radio and they target your heart: bull's eye! That is why we have 92FM, it plays those types of songs. The ones that strike chords of nostalgia.

It may be a sign of "middle age" to listen to retro music. To be old enough to remember Human League's 1981 record! I know many who revel in 80s music nights, which I abhor and boycott. My outlook on music is different because I safekeep only a few momentos from the past and enjoy listening to them spontaneously.

These thoughts came to me when REM 's Loosing My Religion popped on the infamous 92FM this morning. I parked my car and listened to it with attention. Ofcourse my cousins, in the time of its release, teased me ad nauseam because I would listen to it endlessly, on repeat, on our Spring Break 1990. The "other two Charlie's Angeles" (as our trio was called) had visited me on the East Coast and disliked the nasal tones of REM. My beloved and music afecionado youngest uncle dismissed my liking for this group with sarcasm. Yet, I stood my ground.

I can compare the single Loosing My Religion to another very meaningful song that played three-four years ago: "Viva La Vida" by Cold Play. It carries the same epic energy. It is an upbeat song that is poetic and strong. Both REM and Cold Play are very engaged bands, who don't write music lightly. Every lyric, every sound, has a profound meaning.

Will my children park their cars and listen to Viva La Vida two decades from now? I am sure they will!

PS. I must mention Catboy and Geodiebird, who kindly commented about my blog on their show! On 92FM of course. They are stars. They featured in Ali Mustafa's film City of Life!


  1. The other Dubai radio stations are going to hate this blog!

  2. More than one song from Out of Time can effortlessly command attention. The band’s eponymous album is a signed treasure that does the same. Spring's theme would not be complete without Chris Isaak's one hit. They are all beautiful songs for a literate and gradauted generation.

  3. At one time FM 92 Dubai was the only available station.Now it is the Nostalgie station geared for middle aged ladies and Brit expats wives going around Jumeirah and Umm Suqqaim.May be the blogger should coin the station"Natalie" as in Aznavour's song.

  4. REM's Michael Stipe in Dubai for art. How unexpected this once would have seemed.

