My sister ignites the interest in the song. She bbms me the lyrics, asks me if I heard it before and before I know it, it does play on the radio and I discover it with delight: perhaps a song I didn't catch on to before.
I am an avid radio listener. I sit, put my seat belt on and fumble for the radio with enthusiasm. I enjoy the drive because of the randomness of the music. Not knowing what will play next.
Why does a song always sound better on the radio then on a CD? Why do I smile with glee when they play ColdPlay which I listen to ad nauseam on my ipod? Perhaps because I feel it's a shared melody. That many Dubayans are listening to it simultaneously.
Some songs are overplayed. Take Rihanna and Calvin Harris' Yellow Diamonds. It is a nice song but it doesn't stir anything because it sounds banal. They have recently played my favorite hits: Kate Perry's "In another life" and Gotye's "Just another person I used to know". My kids know not to converse with me when those tunes play. They either find me elated or quite down. Those songs give you mixed feelings. They stir the dominant emotions of the day.
Nothing like the first time you hear a song. It frequently happens at 6pm when I drive to bikram yoga. It was on such a trip that I heard Example for the first time. I even remember at which traffic light I was when I cranked it higher to listen closer. I also loved Cole's Trouble and immediately recognized it as my 15 year old cousin's favorite tune: she had it posted on her bbm status ages ago!
It is nice to follow the music trends with the younger generation. I look foreword to my children's future recommendations.
Just today, as we drove in a fleet of SUVs to the park, I got a local phone call from my sister who was visiting: 104.4 she recommended. It felt so cool to hear Kate Perry's hit on that request: almost like a dedication!
I dedicate this post to my very best and only sister, my soul mate, on her birthday. I am so happy we are celebrating it together!